SW 504 Week 5

October 3, 2017

The required reading for the week is Mullally Ch. 4 and the two items below.

Microaggressions and Social Work Practice Education and Research

Microaggressions: What can I do about them?

Questions for thought:

How would you respond to a colleague who claims to be colorblind, neutral, and impartial?

What are some examples of cultural expressions of oppression?

How do micro aggressions express themselves in our daily lives?  In our social work practice?

Also, I know it seems early, but it is time to start thinking about your final projects and what you would like to do!  There is no class this week, but I will be available to meet with you individually if you would like to talk or email.

As you know from your syllabus, you have multiple options.  Read over the assignment carefully.

I would like you to take this week to think about what you are going to do.   You can send me an email or we can schedule a time to chat via phone or google hangout/Skype/Face Time. You can also post what you are thinking about on your blogs and get feedback from your classmates.  All of the options require thought and effort.  There is not one that is easier than the other.  I will expect your best effort regardless of which option you choose. It is not mandatory that you speak with me, BUT a general description/proposal of your final project is due on 10/7.  Try to stick to about  500 word. Please give your classmates in your group feedback on their ideas on their respective blogs by 10/12.  I am giving you a little bit more time here to be thoughtful about each other’s work.

Because of the nature of this course, I want to give structure to those who want it, and leave it open for those who would like to mix things up a bit.  However here are some resources on some of the options available.






Digital storytelling elements and examples

There are also many YouTube videos on Photovoice and Digital Storytelling available online.  I encourage you to check them out.

I look forward to reading about your ideas!